Front Page

One Webster: Leading Student Success



Our Mission Statement:

"Webster University, a worldwide institution, ensures high quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence,"

In accordance with this statement, we recognize the landscape of education is ever-changing, and to maintain our tradition of high quality learning experiences we must take into account the changing nature of our student population. From their age and experiences, to their desire for global knowledge and a sense of community, to advancements in technology, we are seeing a strong shift in how students want their education delivered to them. They want the global opportunities a university like Webster can afford them, but they also want the local tie to an educational community. 

Webster University takes great pride in our commitment as faculty and staff to provide our students with the best opportunities to be successful while pursuing their educational goals. To assist our students, we must meet them where they are. The following course will discuss who our students are, the Higher Learning Commission's Quality Improvement Project, how this knowledge can be applied to enhance student experiences, and Dropout Detective. We will also provide you with a list of student resources.  

This course should take less than two hours. To begin, please click on the Icebreaker Discussion link below. When you are done, click on the Home link to the left, click on the One Webster:Leading Student Success link below or the next button. You will need to finish each module before moving onto the next. You can stop at any time and come back to the module you were in by clicking the links below.  

If you have any questions, please contact us at