Support Tools
Knowledge Center
Support Tools
The tools below are offered as a suggestion to support your teaching and learning.
Adobe Education Exchange
Get instant access to free courses, workshops, teaching materials and connect with the creative education community.
Adobe Education Exchange Links to an external site.
Online Whiteboards
Explain Everything is an interactive online whiteboard for providing demonstrations in real time. There is a free version and a small charge, educator version. Links to an external site.
InVision FreeHand is an online digital design tool. Links to an external site.
Content and Solutions for Teachers
- Facing History website Links to an external site. is providing webinars and resources that may be helpful for some instructors.
- The Chronicle is providing a series of articles related to Moving Online Now Download Moving Online Now.
- From our Library: Library Resources during COVID 19
- Though the following article has a majority of resources for K-12, you may find some resources for your own class: Free Resources Links to an external site.
LinkedIn Learning
Webster University offers students, faculty, and staff a wealth of resources to support studies, expand knowledge, and develop professional skills through a partnership with industry leader in online training: Linkedin Learning. You may use LinkedIn Learning to find video courses and content that can be used as a part of your contingency teaching strategy, and to develop your own skills with other online technology that you will be using. You may use your Webster ID to log in here: Links to an external site.
A video showing this is available here:
Log In to Linked Learning with Webster Account Links to an external site.
Instructors may make a “collection” of multiple videos for their students. Here is an example using resources for teaching virtually. Links to an external site.
Screencasting Software
ScreencastOMatic Links to an external site. and Screencastify Links to an external site. are two free software pieces that will allow instructors to record their computer screen as a video for students.
Coming Soon
Kaltura is a media solution that will be available to all Webster instructors and students in Fall 2020. With this software, you will be able to record videos, create videos with embedded quiz questions Links to an external site., and record your computer screen as you provide a lecture or demo.